
Learn why implementing quality in manufacturing is crucial for product creation, risk management, and more.

Quality in manufacturing depends on effective quality control (QC), a set of procedures used to measure and test products for compliance. The main function of QC is to ensure that all goods are free of defects, meet client expectations, and adhere to industry best practices.

Products have the potential either to increase customer satisfaction or to create legal and financial complications if deficiencies are found. In the current era where consumers are increasingly conscious of product safety and quality, it is paramount that manufacturers are doing all they can to ensure products meet all quality standards. Quality goods can affect a business’s success and advance its credibility to the public. They can also lead to fewer production costs and increases in profit.

With emerging digital technologies such as AI and connected worker solutions, manufacturers can improve quality control, decrease defects, and more. AI-powered connected worker platforms allow manufacturers to standardize quality control, resulting in fewer errors, reduced defects, and streamlined quality processes that are faster and more accurate.

Explore the following content to get a better idea of why quality is crucial and ways to improve it:

quality in manufacturing

Defining quality on industrial frontlines

Quality in the manufacturing realm is all about following procedures to meet product and compliance specifications. Once the standard for quality is set, the rest is about meeting product expectations through standardized procedures.

Quality in production can be broken down into three factors: design, quality control, and quality management.

Design: A product can be significantly improved by design. For example, goods should be made with the right materials to ensure functionality and a longer shelf life.

Quality control: The level of quality is improved when waste and product defects are reduced during the QC process.

Quality management: Completing production processes that follow regulatory standards is at the core of quality management.

Pro Tip

By digitizing quality control and quality assurance procedures, manufacturers can ensure a standardized approach towards inspections and quality data collection and improve overall compliance with quality standards.

Quality affects every facet of manufacturing

Production quality is more than just distributing products that people will trust and buy. Though that may be a key factor, quality affects every aspect of manufacturing, from workplace risk management to machine upkeep and inspection.

Quality affects many aspects of production. Examples include the following:

  • Risk management ensures products are safe to use by customers and follow safety protocols. Smart, connected worker solutions are able to improve risk management through standardization and optimization of quality checks.
  • Regulatory compliance is a key component of quality and can help prevent delays in production and fines. With digitized processes in place, manufacturers are able to ensure workers have access to the correct procedures and that tasks are performed in a standardized manner to avoid errors and promote improved compliance.
  • Waste reduction is possible when material resources are conserved and used accordingly in production processes. AI-powered analytics in conjunction with smart, connected worker solutions allow for improved, streamlined processes that are able to reduce waste and improve yield through optimized production.
  • Errors and defects are reduced when procedures are standardized using efficient QC processes to troubleshoot problems. With connected worker solutions and digitized quality control processes, mistakes can be identified as they happen, protecting the production process.
  • Machine upkeep and inspection can be strengthened when industry best practices are implemented. Digitizing machine inspection standards and upkeep notifications and connecting frontline workers via smart, connected worker platforms gives operators the ability to practice preventative and autonomous maintenance and improves overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and reduces unplanned downtime.

How to Improve Quality in Manufacturing

Quality improvement in manufacturing is vital to ensure a business is performing at its best. Here are some ways to boost quality with real-world examples:

Step 1: Practice lean manufacturing.

Lean manufacturing is the practice of reducing waste in production processes. Waste is defined as anything that does not bring value to the customer. This method requires an examination of your current practices to see which work and which leads to greater waste. The rise of digital technology is making it easier and more practical for manufacturers to connect and digitize their operations and drive further improvements and enhance lean manufacturing strategies.

Real-world application: An injection molding machine was found clogged with mold and was producing products with damaged seams. After resolving this issue by cleaning the machine, the company had less wasted plastic and fewer product malfunctions. With digitized notifications, real-time collaboration, and smart, connected worker solutions, situations like the above can be solved quickly and with reduced impact on production.

standardize and digitize quality assurance procedures

Step 2: Implement total productive maintenance.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) focuses on the idea that every employee should do their part to maximize equipment effectiveness. The objective is to create a culture where every worker adjusts and maintains machinery over the course of each shift. Through a combination of digital work instructions and real-time collaboration tools, manufacturers can better implement and improve TPM initiatives. This allows operators to independently complete maintenance tasks at peak performance and improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Real-world application: Both operators and maintenance staff can perform routine maintenance to check for errors or deficiencies. By implementing connected worker solutions organizations can improve the quality, transparency, and efficiency of maintenance and repair procedures and minimize machine downtime and reduce overall maintenance costs and impact.

Step 3: Embrace statistical process control.

This method involves detecting production issues by studying data anomalies to get rid of root causes before they ruin entire assembly lines. With connected frontline worker solutions that are integrated with enterprise quality management systems, organizations can improve statistical process control by optimizing data collection and inspection procedures through their frontline workforce. This essentially transforms frontline workers into quality sensors that further enhance and empower overall quality efforts.

Real-world application: Tracking the number of defective goods on each production line can help with identifying the root of any issue and taking corrective action. Smart, connected worker technology improves tracking ability, optimizes data collection, and identifies issues faster, reducing the risk of product recalls, and preserving consumer trust.

Digitizing Quality in Manufacturing with Augmentir

Companies are adopting innovative new technologies, processes, and methods to improve quality, productivity, and collaboration efforts across the industrial arena. Guaranteeing quality in manufacturing boils down to standardizing processes. Every procedure should contribute to product value and be carried out in a unified way. Implementing smart, connected solutions and coupling them with AI-powered analytics opens new paths for manufacturers to step forward and improve how they approach quality in the production process and beyond.

By digitizing analog paper practices, you enable better quality control and standardization of inspection procedures which, in turn, strengthens your overall manufacturing operations. Augmentir can help with the digitization and transformation process. We understand the need for effective quality control, and we have demonstrated success in helping manufacturers improve quality on the production floor.

Check out our quality use cases, and request a live demo today to learn for yourself why companies are choosing Augmentir to help standardize and digitize quality control procedures.


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Learn about what an asset hierarchy is and how it can help with asset maintenance and equipment reliability.

An asset hierarchy outlines all of a business’s top equipment, machines, and components visually to help the business plan, execute and track maintenance activities. Asset hierarchies are usually in the shape of a pyramid, similar to an organizational chart. And since every operation is different, it’s likely you won’t have the same hierarchy as your competitor.

The benefits of an asset hierarchy include accurate maintenance planning, faster failure root cause analysis, and improved cost tracking. By implementing an asset hierarchy in conjunction with a frontline operations system, such as a connected worker solution, manufacturers can benefit by dramatically improved maintenance planning and execution. This article answers the following questions to help you learn more:

asset hierarchy improves maintenance

What is an asset hierarchy?

An asset hierarchy is an index of your most critical equipment, machines, and parts to better understand how these assets work together and monitor their maintenance needs. For example, building and maintaining your manufacturing business’s hierarchy can help you track and identify root causes of failure in your equipment.asset hierarchy and taxonomy - iso standard

This taxonomy is often represented as a pyramid, based on the ISO 14224 standard, which was developed for the collection and exchange of
reliability and maintenance data for equipment. Initially developed for the Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas industry, this taxonomy for equipment and failure data can apply to any manufacturing environment, and has become the de-facto standard for every other industry.

Asset hierarchies are typically built and maintained within an organization’s EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) or CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), which tracks asset maintenance and condition data, as well as maintenance schedules. Increasingly, EAMs, CMMS, and asset hierarchy information are being integrated with digitized frontline operations systems to improve maintenance planning and execution.

Pro Tip

It’s not enough to simply define your asset hierarchy with your EAM or CMMS. Innovative manufacturing companies are now extending this by integrating their asset hierarchies with connected worker solutions, which help digitize and optimize the actual work being done by frontline maintenance teams, improving maintenance execution.


Better organization of equipment can also help workers understand how the action of one affects the other to solve any potential problems. This is another benefit of integrating your asset hierarchy with a connected worker solution. In a nutshell, strong hierarchies are a solid foundation for proper maintenance management and reliability.

What is asset maintenance?

While maintenance is generally synonymous with repair, in effective manufacturing facilities, maintaining equipment can prevent the need for repairs. Asset maintenance is an umbrella term for everything that goes into keeping your assets in tip-top shape.

For example, asset maintenance in manufacturing machinery may mean frequent inspections to prevent breakdowns and repairs. Your space as a whole relies on this type of maintenance to ensure everything is running smoothly, from equipment to everyday production processes.

Lastly, this term makes daily manufacturing processes more productive to manage. That’s because effective asset management tells you where assets are located, how they are used, and when changes were made to them.

How does an asset hierarchy improve asset maintenance?

An asset hierarchy and asset maintenance work in conjunction with one another. This visual tool gives workers a better idea of what each asset is and the dependencies between them.

Knowing what each asset is can help you schedule preventative inspections and tasks. If any problems arise, you can more easily identify all the working parts, find the root cause and fix it.


Augmentir’s AI-powered asset management software helps you simplify the operations and maintenance of your facility by integrating your asset hierarchy and maintenance data within a frontline operations system. Through Augmentir, organizations can benefit from a complete view of asset management, all through a visual mobile interface. Each asset contains a complete view of:

  • Kanban board for all asset activities
  • Work and maintenance procedures
  • Skills required for operation and maintenance
  • Collaboration related to the asset
  • Associated documentation
  • CIL/Standard Work schedule
  • History of all activities on the asset

Asset management with Augmentir

Augmentir’s asset management capabilities include an out-of-the-box autonomous maintenance solution, which gives equipment operators more control over equipment cleaning, inspections, and lubrications (CIL) to improve CIL completion rate, resulting in minimized machine downtime.

Request a live demo today to learn why companies are choosing Augmentir to help standardize and digitize their maintenance activities.


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Learn how to digitize your operations and build a paperless factory in this paperless manufacturing guide from Augmentir.

Manually managing and tracking production in manufacturing has become a thing of the past. That’s because manufacturers are adopting a new digital approach: paperless manufacturing.

Paperless manufacturing uses software to manage shop floor execution, digitize work instructions, execute workflows, automate record-keeping and scheduling, and communicate with shop floor employees. More recently, this approach also digitizes skills tracking and performance assessments for shop floor workers to help optimize workforce onboarding, training, and ongoing management. This technology is made up of cloud-based software, mobile and wearable technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, and advanced analytics.

paperless manufacturing and digital factory

Paperless manufacturing software uses interactive screens, dashboards, data collection, sensors, and reporting filters to show real-time insights into your factory operations. If you want to learn more about paperless manufacturing processes, explore this guide to learn about the following:

What is a paperless factory?

A paperless factory uses AI-powered software to manage production, keep track of records, and optimize jobs being executed on the shop floor. Paperless manufacturing is intended to replace written record-keeping as well as paper-based work instructions, checklists, and SOPs, and keep track of records digitally.

For example, in most manufacturing operations, everything from quality inspections to operator rounds and planned and autonomous maintenance is done on a regular basis to make sure factory equipment is operating properly and quality and safety standards are met. In most manufacturing plants, these activities are done manually with paper-based instructions, checklists, or forms.

Operators and shop floor workers in paperless factories use software to execute work procedures and see production tasks in ordered sequences, which enables them to implement tasks accordingly. Workers are able to view operating procedures, or digital work instructions, using mobile devices (wearables, tablets, etc.) in real-time.

benefits of digital work instructions

Furthermore, paperless manufacturing incorporates the digitization of shop floor training, skills tracking, certifications, and assessments.  This digital approach uses skills management software helps optimize HR-based processes that were previously managed via paper or spreadsheets, and includes the ability to:

  • Create, track, and manage employee skills
  • Instantly visualize the skills gaps in your team
  • Schedule or assign jobs based on worker skill level and proficiency
  • Close skill gaps with continuous learning
  • Make data-driven drive operational decisions

digital skills management in a paperless factory

What are the benefits of going paperless in manufacturing?

There are a number of reasons for factories to go paperless, from cost-effectiveness to increased productivity and sustainability. A paperless system can revolutionize production processes, workforce management, and business operations.

Here are the top benefits of going paperless:

  1. Accelerate employee onboarding: By digitizing onboarding and moving training into the flow of work, manufacturers can reduce new hire onboarding time by 82%.
  2. Increase productivity: Digitizing manufacturing operations means no more manual, paper-based data collection or record-keeping. Workers have more time to run their equipment, execute shop floor tasks, and find solutions to problems.
  3. Boost data accuracy: People are prone to making mistakes, but digital data capture and validation can help offset human error and improve accuracy.
  4. Improved workforce management: Digital skills tracking and AI-based workforce analytics can help optimize production operations and maximize worker output.
  5. Manage real-time operations: Human-machine interface systems eliminate the need for paper, files, and job tickets. This means that workers can analyze inventory and other data in real-time.
  6. Save money: Although going paperless means that the cost of paper is eliminated, the savings extend beyond that. With greater productivity, operations in real-time, and improved production optimization, costs can be reduced in many areas.

How do you go paperless in manufacturing?

Going paperless starts with digitizing activities across the factory floor to increase productivity, and extending that value through a digital connection between the shop floor and enterprise manufacturing systems. We lay out below the four basic steps for how to go paperless in manufacturing:

Step 1: Digitize and connect your frontline operations.

Paperless manufacturing starts with the use of modern, digital tools that can connect, digitize, and optimize what your employees know and how they are doing on the job. Solutions that incorporate enhanced mobile capabilities and combine training and skills tracking with connected worker technology and on-the-job digital guidance can deliver significant additional value. A key requirement to start is to identify high-value use cases that can benefit from digitization, such as quality control or inspection procedures, lockout tagout procedures, safety reporting, or autonomous maintenance procedures.

Step 2: Augment your workers with AI and Connected Worker technology.

AI-based connected worker solutions can help both digitize work instructions and deliver that guidance in a way that is personalized to the individual worker and their performance. AI Bots that leverage generative AI and GPT-like AI models can assist workers with language translation, feedback, on-demand answers, access to knowledge through natural language, and provide a comprehensive digital performance support tool.

As workers become more connected, companies have access to a rich source of job activity, execution, and tribal data, and with proper AI tools can gain insights into areas where the largest improvement opportunities exist.

Pro Tip

Frontline operations software like Augmentir’s Connected Worker Solution helps you digitize and optimize the operations of your facility. Digitally manage safety, quality, operations, and maintenance procedures, skill requirements, training, and KPIs all through a visual interface. Connected worker solutions help digitally integrate your shop floor operations.


Step 3: Set up IoT sensors for machine health monitoring.

The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) uses sensors to boost manufacturing processes. IoT sensors are connected through the web using wireless or 4G/5G networks to transmit data right from the shop floor. The use of machine health monitoring tools along with connected worker technology can provide a comprehensive shop floor solution.

Step 4: Connect your frontline to your enterprise.

Digitally connected frontline operations solutions not only enable industrial companies to digitize work instructions, checklists, and SOPs, but also allow them to create digital workflows and integrations that fully incorporate the frontline workers into the digital thread of their business.

The digital thread represents a connected data flow across a manufacturing enterprise – including people, systems, and machines. By incorporating the activities and data from these previously disconnected workers, business processes are accelerated, and this new source of data provides newfound opportunities for innovation and improvement.


Augmentir provides a unique Connected Worker solution that uses AI to help manufacturing companies intelligently onboard, train, guide, and support frontline workers so each worker can contribute at their individual best, helping achieve production goals in today’s era of workforce disruption.

Our solution is a SaaS-based suite of software tools that helps customers digitize and optimize all frontline processes including Autonomous and Preventive Maintenance, Quality, Safety, and Assembly.

paperless factory


Transform how your company runs its frontline operations. Request a live demo today!


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Smart Skills Management software is helping manufacturers bridge the gap between training, skills, and work to build a more resilient and agile workforce.

Where are you on your journey with adopting new and emerging technologies? Many manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon for some of the latest tools that provide digital guidance to workers. Maybe you decided to implement digital work instructions to help workers safely and efficiently perform tasks. Or maybe you’ve bought skills management software to help you catalog and organize the skills and capabilities of different workers. But are either of these enough on their own to achieve all your production goals? Possibly, but unlikely.

Digital work instructions on their own deliver standard work guidelines but fail to consider the unique skills of each worker. Standalone skills management programs may offer a highlight reel of the skills and certifications of your workers but neglect to capture performance in real-time to provide accurate skills evaluations. Nor do they offer personalized training content needed to ensure workers perform their absolute best. Can we agree then these two features should go hand-in-hand?

One cannot exist without the other: Blending skills into the flow of work

In the past, standalone skills management systems were sufficient because:

  • Turnover was infrequent so line supervisors knew everyone on their team and their current skills and endorsements, making it easy for the supervisor to assign work safely and optimally
  • Investments in training, reskilling, and upskilling were performed either in a one size fits all approach or through a purely subjective or anecdotal approach

Today, however, a different situation exists.

Line supervisors are dealing with team members that they don’t know well, new ones starting every day, and experienced ones leaving.  This creates safety issues and makes optimally assigning work difficult as not only are the workers variable, but their skill levels and certifications are a constantly moving target.

An integrated, closed-loop skills management system is the solution for this era of high workforce turnover and absenteeism.


skills and work


Skills management solutions that combine skills tracking capabilities with connected worker technology and on-the-job digital guidance can deliver significant additional value. Data from actual work performance can inform workforce development initiatives allowing you to target your training, reskilling, and upskilling efforts where they have the largest impact.

It can generate an abundance of valuable data to provide tailored training support and skills endorsements and identify workforce opportunities. What else is possible? Imagine reducing training costs, optimizing job scheduling, increasing safety, and improving productivity. And now consider what will happen when you add smart technology to this all-in-one package.


intelligently assign jobs

The power of smart digitization! Skills management and digital work instructions together boost productivity.

According to Deloitte, organizations are shifting to a skills-based approach to meet the demand for agility, agency, and equity. Connected worker solutions that combine skills management with digital work instructions, collaboration, and knowledge management are uniquely suited to optimize today’s variable workforce. AI-generated insights are pulled from patterns identified across all work activity in real-time. These insights identify where new and experienced workers may benefit from either reskilling or upskilling.

This combination of smart digital technology can also leverage your training resources, such as instructional videos, written instructions, or access to remote experts, to deliver personalized guidance for the worker to perform their best. These tools intelligently work together to help you assign workers to procedures based on required skill levels. No second guessing! Augmentir is the only smart connected worker solution to intertwine these management tools with AI making it a powerhouse for optimizing your operations and meeting production targets.



Learn how Smart Skills Management software is helping manufacturers bridge the gap between training, skills, and work to build a more resilient and agile workforce.

Download our latest eBook – The Future of Work: Connecting Skills Management with Standard Work.


Augmentir’s take on the trending Workforce Institute’s staggering survey numbers.

Do you remember when offshoring–the outsourcing of production internationally–was once considered the “gold standard” for manufacturers because of reduced costs? Funny how things change. We can partly thank the global pandemic for this. Reshoring, also referred to as ‘onshoring’, in manufacturing is now the way to go–the apparent panacea to supply chain disruptions and a healthier economy. This should have manufacturers cheering and dancing in the streets, right? Not so fast. We’ve also got a massive labor shortage to deal with. But don’t fret. There are solutions to be found, and they happen to exist in software tools already being embraced by organizations on their journey to digital transformation.

The perks and pressures of onshoring in manufacturing

If your organization isn’t already thinking about onshoring its operations, maybe you should be. Onshoring in manufacturing means greater resiliency, agility, and sustainability by shortening the distances between process and delivery. Less travel means reduced emissions and adherence to ESG standards. Reshoring addresses issues associated with shipping costs, lead times, and new regulations. Working in familiar markets can help identify supply and demand trends more accurately. National employment rates are likely to increase when hiring residents and working with other domestic business partners.

But labor shortages and the variability of today’s workforce have not made reshoring an easy shift. So while there is tremendous opportunity to bring production home, the lack of affordable and skilled labor is having a tremendous impact on our domestic production capacity.

Here’s how you make onshoring work for you. First, stop thinking the old way of recruiting, training, and retaining workers will still work today.

Work with what you’ve got

What’s wrong with training today? Yes, training programs can help improve worker knowledge and skills development. But only if they are meeting the unique needs of individual workers with content-rich, high-impact learning and hands-on training programs. Forget those standard training programs–they are useless in the face of the variable workforce we have available today. The workers you can find are showing up with a mixed bag of experience and skills. That doesn’t have to be a disadvantage anymore. Because there is a smarter way to train and optimize the skills of each of those workers to meet productivity goals individually and fulfill the potential for your organization’s production capacity.

Smart digitization is the ticket to effective onboarding, training, and more–from hire to retire

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

This new era of workforce instability is forcing manufacturers to change. It’s forcing them to turn to digital technology and look at smarter ways to hire, onboard, train, and retain their workers. At Augmentir, we call this Smart Digitization.

What do we mean by ‘smart’ digitization? Smart digitization involves adopting modern, digital tools, mobile technology, and supporting workers throughout their entire lifecycle.

smart digitization throughout worker lifecycle


Modern connected worker tools are at the core of the solution that supports workers throughout their employment, from training to troubleshooting in real-time to ongoing learning and development. If you look at the entire employee lifecycle, this means:

  1. Using software tools to digitize and automate onboarding and skills tracking to help get workers operational faster, regardless of their skill and experience.
  2. Once on the job, digitizing and personalizing work instructions based on the individual needs of the worker – whether they are a novice worker or an expert.
  3. Proving instant access to support, within the flow of work.
  4. And finally, using an AI-based system to analyze how workers are performing on the job, and intelligently targeting upskilling and reskilling based on actual work performance.

Workers have access to a suite of digital tools and knowledge resources at their fingertips – digital work instructions, collaboration, and support tools to guide them on the job and quickly problem-solve complex tasks, allowing them to do their personal best.

For employers, this means not only more engaged and collaborative workers, it also means deeper insights into work performance that can help drive continuous improvement efforts.

skills job proficiency mapping

AI-based smart insights intelligently optimize workers’ performance by identifying and tracking their skills in real-time. Smart insights pull from these performance metrics and learn to prompt workers who need new training programs or work opportunities, continuously upskilling and reskilling.

It’s the advanced medicine needed to maximize productivity and operational health.

So as you plan to bring more of your production back home, make sure you’re ready to seize the opportunity and address the challenges of a restricted labor market at the same time.


Find out how and why so many manufacturers are turning to Augmentir to turn their workers into efficient, productive, and long-term assets for their businesses.

Check out our latest webinar – Smart Digitization of Frontline Workers to learn more.


Learn about what a skills matrix is, how these can be used and alternatives to help track employee skills.

A skills matrix is a grid that maps employees’ skills and qualifications. Companies use this information to manage, plan, and monitor current and desired skills for a position, team, department, or project.

Having a place to store each employee’s skills and experience level can help managers decide how to divvy up tasks. It’s also a great way to gauge areas of improvement.

A skills matrix is usually managed using a spreadsheet, but there are alternatives to skill matrices. For example, cloud-based skills management software can help identify and track employee competence and correlate it with actual job performance. The software can also help managers filter employee databases by skills to assemble teams or assign work based on specific qualifications.

skills matrix

To help you learn more about the skills matrix and its alternative, this article explores the following topics:

What is a skills matrix?

A skills matrix is a tool used by employers to track workers’ skills and expertise. Typically maintained in spreadsheet format, it usually includes skills that workers already possess, ones that are needed but underdeveloped, and those that are required to complete a project or perform a job function.

Each employee is given a rating on their proficiency in each skill and their interest in developing it. This gives managers great insight into who is qualified to complete certain tasks.

What are the benefits of using a matrix to track employee skills?

A skills matrix offers multiple benefits that can increase team performance and boost productivity. Some of its benefits include:

1) Brings awareness to employee skills

This tool shows what area a team member excels at and where they can improve. This can bring awareness to what skills need to be cultivated and what areas team members are already proficient in.

2) Sets team expectations

With the matrix outlining what skills are needed to complete a project, employees have a better idea of what’s expected and required to be proficient in their roles.

3) Shows where new hires are needed

The matrix gives employers a better idea if someone needs to be hired to fulfill a certain role. Knowing which skills are missing helps managers determine what kind of employee needs to be hired for a specific project.

How do I create a skills matrix?

Creating a skill matrix can provide a wealth of benefits to a business. You can set one up by following the steps below:

  1. Determine which skills are needed for your team based on job function or responsibility.
  2. Evaluate your workers’ skills and qualifications.
  3. Create a grading system to rate each employee’s current skill level.
  4. Fill in the missing criteria and manage the information in a central skills management system.

skills matrix for skills management

How can skills matrices be used in the manufacturing industry?

The manufacturing industry is always seeking skilled employees. Skilled matrices are an excellent way to cultivate the skills of current production plant workers and boost productivity.

This organizational tool also simplifies the hiring process. For example, it gives managers a better sense of what skill areas are lacking and who may be the right fit for the role.

The better equipped an employee is to do their job, the better a company’s bottom line will be.

What are the alternatives to using a spreadsheet for your skills and competency matrix?

If you’re looking for an alternative to using a spreadsheet to manage the skills of your team, consider cloud-based skills management software. These programs help businesses identify and track worker competency.

For example, this software maps skills from a centralized library to job profiles and individual employees to help managers analyze the abilities of their teams, the desired skills for each role and any skill gaps that exist. Learn more about skills management software in our guide.

Furthermore, skills management software not only allows you to efficiently manage skills for your frontline workers, it also enables you to use this skills mapping to intelligently assign work or identify upskilling or reskilling needs.
skills job proficiency mapping


Interested in learning how Augmentir’s connected worker platform can help you digitize and effectively manage skills within your manufacturing operation? Get in touch with us for a free demo.